Discovery weekend: The Museum of Civilisations of Islam (La Chaux-de-Fonds)


Alhamdulilah, we were honoured to be guests at Europe’s only Museum of Islamic Civilisations – MUCIVI in La Chaux-de-Fonds.

Many thanks for the comprehensive introduction given by the scientific director of the MUCIVI, brother Khaldoun Dia-Eddine and his expert guidance during the museum tour.

We also had the chance to meet the other people running this long lasting project and enjoyed not just brilliant and plenty of lunch, but were invited for cay, coffee & sweets.

Barak Allah feekum

If you have ever the chance to pass by La Chaux-de-Fonds, don’t miss the MUCIVI.



Seminar: Al-Asmaa ul-Husna: the beautiful names of Allah

May Allah reward Ust. Alomgir Ali for the delivery of the course today, and also those who attended: thank you for your support.

If you would like to follow Ust. Alomgir’s classes more regularly you can subscribe to his YouTube channel:

You can also subscribe to his Telegram channel for shorter reminders:


Family Retreat in Adelboden 2016


Alhumdulillah we held our first family retreat last weekend with Sh. Sanel and Ust. Farhia Yahye (Fajr Literary).

We had booked two chalets in the heart of the Bernese Oberland near the village of Adelboden where we had a weekend programme on the theme of “Living through the Quran”. The learning was supplemented by Qiyam al-Lail (night prayer) as well as Quran recitation after Fajr.

Of course, it was not just learning and there was also time to relax in the grounds of the chalets as well as simple hikes to enjoy the stunning views of Central Switzerland for brothers and sisters in a valley close to the village of Adelboden.


Discovering Bosnia – 7-day tour 2016

Here are some of the pictures we took from our group trip to Bosnia last week. Alhumdulillah the country is beautiful and has lots to offer its visitors!

This May we arranged another Islamic tour, this time in Bosnia.
This tour included visits to some of the most prominent cultural and historic sites in the country, as well as to appreciate its breathtaking natural beauty and landscape.
An experienced, english-speaking tour guide accompanied us to all sites.





Seminar: Between the lines

Sh. Salmaan Nasir visited us from Makkah in November 2015 to deliver this excellent seminar on how to train yourself to reflect on the Qur’an.


The audio files and the notes from the presentation can be downloaded from the links below:

Click to download presentation notes

      Lecture 1

      Lecture 2

      Lecture 3

      Lecture 4

      Lecture 5

Seminar: Understanding differences of opinion in Islam with Ustadh Alomgir Ali

Have you ever asked yourself one of the following questions?

  • Since we Muslims all believe in the message of the final Prophet, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, why are there so many different schools of thought?
  • How is it possible that teachings from this one source can spawn multiple opinions?
  • Why do scholars seem to differ so often?
  • Are the shaikhs belonging to the school of thought that I follow REALLY better than other scholars?

Differences of Opinion_TBC_web


The Muslim Students Association of Zurich and Swiss Muslim Events invited to the full-day seminar ‘Understanding differences of opinion in Islam’ where the above questions were answered and – alhamdulilah – our students feedback was very postive and grateful towards the knowledge provided by Ustadh Alomgir.


… insha’Allah soon, we will upload the audios of the seminar.

About the speaker

IMG_7372Ustdah Alomgir Ali has a BA in Arabic & English language and has studied Arabic and Islamic studies in Cairo and holds a degree in Shariah at al Azhar University in Cairo.
He has translated a number of books and holds weekly Tafseer classes in London and is a regular Khateeb in a number of mosques in London beside being an Imam in central London.


Seminar: The virtues of the Quran with Ustadh Driton Morina

Ramadan is the month of the Quran, and with this blessed month a little more than a month away, the Muslim Student Association of Zurich and SwissMuslimEvents invited you to join us for a half-day seminar aimed at bringing us closer to the Book of Allah.
… and masha’Allah, many came and joined the lectures.

The virtues of the Quran seminar included the follwoing topics:

Virtues of the Quran

Tips to increase our knowledge of the Quran

The benefits of seeking Knowledge of the Quran

Quranic teachings for our daily lives

and more



Please find below the audios of the lecture held Sunday May 10th 2015

Session 1 – The Virtues of the Quran

      The Virtues of the QuÂ’ran


Session 2 – Increasing our Knowledge of the Quran

      Increasing our Knowledge of the Quran


Session 3 – Application of the Quran into our Daily Lives

      Application of the QuÂ’ran into our Daily Lives


About the speaker

imageThe seminar was held by Ustadh Driton Morina (Master of Sciences), who holds a BA Degree in Islamic Studies (Shariah) from Al Azhar University through the Institute Al Fatâh Al Islami in Damascus- Syria, and a MA Degree in Comparative Religion from International Islamic University Malaysia, KL-Malaysia.
He also holds a Master Certificate in Human Resources from Cornell University, NY-USA.

He worked for two years as a lecturer of “History of Religions” at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Pristina and also worked as HR Manager for almost six years for Islamic Relief Worldwide – Kosova Office.

He participated in local radio and TV discussions about several contemporary muslim issues in Kosova and writes in local newspapers and particularly portals about controversial issues such as Islamophobia, headscarf discrimination and other muslim rights violation in Kosova.

Currently he is an Imam and spiritual consultant/caretaker (Seelsorger) at the “Albanischer Islamischer Kulturverein Al-Hakk” in Salzburg, Austria.


Seminar: Light upon Light – The Nature of Imaan

SwissMuslimEvents was pleased to present this seminar in association with the Muslim Students Association of Zurich [MSAZ] on the subject of Imaan in Islam.

We hope to post soon the Audio files to share the insight provided by Sh. Fraz Farhat.


We also had the opportunity to be introduce into a new project run by the University of Luzern by Dr. Tunger-Zanetti.


Amongst the topics covered during the seminar were:

the definition and nature of imaan

the fluctuation of imaan

causes for the increase and strengthening of imaan

causes for the decrease and weakening of imaan

making a personal imaan-development plan

About the speaker

Sh. Fraz Farhat graduated in Engineering from the University of Leeds. In 2000, he graduated from the University of Medina from the faculty of Islamic Law.

As well as a translator of Arabic works, he is a guest on the popular TV show Islam Q&A, and also occasionally teaches for AlKauthar Institute in the UK. This will be his second seminar in Zurich.

Dr. Abdurrahman Reidegeld [Dez 2014]

Anbei sind einige Bilder des Vortrags- und Seminarwochenendes mit Dr. Abdurrahman Reidegeld.

Das gut besuchte und lehrreiche Wochenende wurde zusammen mit der ‚Ummah – Muslimische Jugend Schweiz‘ organisiert und führte uns von St. Gallen nach Basel und Zürich.

Dr. phil. Michael Ahmad Abdurrahman Reidegeld absolvierte sein Magisterstudium an der Universität Köln (Afrikanistik, Malaiologie und Islamwissenschaften) und führte anschliessend seine Studien im Oman fort, wo er u.a. auch für die staatliche Stiftungsbehörde arbeitete. 2012 promovierte Dr. Reidegeld an der Universität Köln.
Er hat unter anderem eines der umfassendsten Standardwerke („Ilmihal“) zum islamischen Recht nach den vier Rechtsschulen in deutscher Sprache verfasst.
Neben der mehrjährigen Leitung der Abteilung für das Lehramt der Islamischen Religionspädagogischen Akademie (Pädagogische Hochschule in Wien) ist er auch durch seine akademische Lehrtätigkeit am Islamologischen Institut Wien bekannt, an dem er seit dem Jahr 2000 wissenschaftliche Seminare über die Islamische Theologie leitet.

Um die Referate vom Dezember 2014 zu starten, bitte den Pfeil anklicken (please click the arrow)

Referat: Geborgenheit in der Ibāda

Die Formen der Ibādāt sind in sich selbst Sinnbild und Ausdruck bestimmter geistiger und innerlicher Konzepte. Wenn es dem Menschen gelingt, diese Zusammenhänge zu verstehen und zu verinnerlichen, kann er im ganzheitlichen Sinne in den Ibādāt Geborgenheit finden.

      Geborgenheit in der Ibāda Teil 1
      Geborgenheit in der Ibāda Teil 2


Referat: Erkenntnis des Wahren als Kraft zum Guten

In einer Zeit der Lüge und Vortäuschung gewinnt das Wahre eine besondre Kraft.
Es geht in diesem Beitrag darum aufzuzeigen, wie man das Wahre der Dinge erkennt und diese Erkenntnis dazu verwendet, sich selbst und seine Umgebung so zu stärken, dass man miteinander im guten Handeln wetteifert.

      Erkenntnis des Wahren als Kraft zum Guten Teil 1
      Erkenntnis des Wahren als Kraft zum Guten Teil 2


Seminar: Maqasid – the Aims of Islamic Law

SwissMuslimEvents invited to our fullday seminar on “Maqasid – the aims of Islamic Law” held by Ustdah Alomgir for the first time in the newly build lecture rooms of the Bosnian masjid in Zurich-Schlieren.

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The topic of the Aims of Islamic Law can sometimes be tricky, and can lead people to arrive at incorrect conclusions when not understood properly.

In this course therefore the following subjects were elaborated:

where these aims come from and how they are derived

the types of the aims of Islamic Law

the different categories and levels of maqasid

how to resolve conflicts between the different aims

the relationship between maqasid and legal evidences

examples of the abuse of maqasid

… and much more!

About the Speaker

Ustdah Alomgir has a BA in Arabic & English language and has studied Arabic and Islamic studies in Cairo. He is pursuing a degree in Shariah at al Azhar University in Cairo. He has translated a number of books and holds weekly Tafseer classes in London and is a regular Khateeb in a number of mosques in London.